Last Thursday Me and Mrs M traipsed off to Dublin for a day out, meet a friend, have a nice meal and go see Fountains of Wayne play the Ambassador in Dublin.
What a great day. We got to the hotel, parked our stuff and went out to get some lunch. We ate in La Med which is a wee place in temple bar ( I know ,it is tourist hell round there) as we have been there before. A nice way to start our micro holiday. After watching the tourists take numerous pictures of the temple bar from our lunch table we ventured out into the sunshine to have a look around.
I ,of course, had been very sensible and had gone prepared for rain.
My feet were cooking in big boots and the raincoat had been left in the hotel already but no spare footwear.
We wandered the streets for a bit and I took a few pictures. Film, I'll get it developed and scanned tomorrow.
We visited the gallery of photogrpahy and I ended up buying two books on street photography.
The exhibition that was on was good too. Not great emotive subject matter but the presentation was good.
We then took off up the road and into the porterhouse where I had a pint of Wrasslers XXXX stout.
The heavens opened and blinding shafts of light emanated from above.....
That is the nicest stout I have ever tasted, beats the rest by far. It had an after taste of liquorice, but only after the first taste. It was more bitter than other stouts I have tasted but with a marvellous depth of flavour.
I only had the one pint unfortunately.
We had to go back to the hotel and get freshened up.
Then it was off to meet a friend in the IFI ( was the IFC but they changed the name ) for a drink.
Two pints later we toddled off to dinner in the Mermaid Cafe on Dame St.
A very tasty meal was had. This was our third time and we get the same table, in the window (makes it look busy) as we always eat at 6-6.30. The reason for this is we are only ever in Dublin to go see a band.
The main event then-
We got to the gig early and were able to get up the front (not something I have done in a long time) for the support (The Minutes) - pretty good. Then FOW came on and it was bloody brilliant. We were singing along and I yelled loudly after every song, so much so that Chris Collingwood dedicated "This next song to the loud guy over there" and pointed at me.
Three pints of stout and half a bottle of wine'll make me loud but I've never had that sort of response before!
They didn't play my two favourite songs but ya can't please all the people all the time etc etc.
It was a great gig though.