Well, back in the land of the living and segued neatly into the role of Florence Nightingale as Mrs M has a bad dose of the lurgy.
On a brighter note, Mrs M's friend from London gave her an invitation to a new web based music service called Spotify. Oh, wow.
Streaming audio of everything from the major music labels. Free.
(Catch is you have to listen to an advert every album).
The odd advert not withstanding.......bloody hell this is the coolest thing since Napster. I had a playlist of super groovy music playing on Friday night as I made dinner. It is like having access to EVERYTHING ever recorded !!!!
I got lost in searching for bands...sooooo muuuuuch - the indie labels are in talks about licensing their artists I think I'll need to be sitting down when this happens.
Spotify is the future ( 160kbps Ogg Vorbis - for all you techies out there).