Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Lurgy

Pah, all my talk last week to my nearest and dearest about fighting off the infection that knocked out the inlaws.......
I now am proud possessor of the "Lurgy".
Felt ropey on Sunday night and Monday morning couldn't get up. Every bone in my body was aching and I felt as if I was under the influence of some pretty powerful drugs. All side effects and no fun of course. Ringing into work meant that I had to go and sit shivering with a temperature a lot higher than normal in front of the infernal machine and email some photos that were needed for a report. Off sick? why I can't be...I'm working ! Then back to bed with a paracetamol based dissolvable anti cold and flu remedy. No shameless promotion on this site. F*ck you pay me!
Monday night through to Tuesday afternoon have been the worst so far. Ugh.
Still not fit for driving and or doing the work I am scheduled for before month end, now I have waay too much to get done next week when I go back. Dagnabbit.

The aforementioned cold and flu remedy will, be quaffed again very soon as I am having a hot flush ( at my time of life and my gender? ).


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