Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Work work work

I am still at home at nearly 10 am, haven't had breakfast and have just downloaded and labelled a pile ( yes, a pile, no less ) of photos from work yesterday. Not my own, on the side kinda work, but bona fide day job stuff. I need the camera card empty for todays work. I am working on my own today as well. A few locations to visit and that should be it. They aren't as far apart as the places yesterday - much driving- so I won't be too tired when I get home tonight. I feel the tendrils of a cold slithering at me, I must go have a hearty breakfast and eat waaay too many vitamin C tablets. Maybe throw in a zinc and Vit D tab for good measure.

Heigh ho...heigh ho.....heigh ho.....


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