Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sad it's all over

I hope I've used my apostrophe correctly in the title?

Well ,a week spent visiting family and eating huge amounts of food in a single sitting. Getting up at 11am and staying up until 3am. Drinking wine and beer. Every night. Then literally finishing myself off with large tumblers of Talisker on Old Years Night. Rather a sore whisky head the next day. Haven't felt that in a looong time now.

A distinct lack of daylight for nigh on a week has left me feeling a bit discombobulated. I reckon a restricted diet of my own home made bread in my new 4lb loaf tin ( Santa was good to me ) and cheese for Breakfast. Followed by home made chips one night, a veritable sack of spuds were immersed in the little fryer, and tempura the next. I ,again, made too much and ate too much . If there's one thing I can do lots of, its excess.

I now feel tighter of waistband and today I have embarked on a healthy eating campaign. Alcoholic empty calories are a bad thing.

Many, many thanks to Nelly for linking to my lost corner of t'interweb.
I bought the flour and tonight is cheese scone making night. A loaf will also be made. Some creative therapy to make up for...what am I saying I did all the cooking over the holiday period.

I am back at work....easing myself into a hectic schedule that is imminent. Not today though, thankfully. I came in to find I was marked down as being on a days leave today....GAAAAHH!


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