Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ho, ho feckin' ho.

Hah, bumhug or words to that effect.

I look forward to time off from work and generally lazing about and drinking.
This is after I visit family and friends of course. The few dark days at Christmas that the door is closed and Mrs M and I make food and drink and look out the window at the cold and wet. It would be even better if we could look out at snow, especially the sort Pamela is getting right now-see glassy bird- in the links.

I remember a few, or more, years back when it snowed on Christmas night and there is photographic evidence of me dancing about in the snow with a santa hat on.

If it happens again this year I shall post a photo.

I've just had about 5 pieces of a monster sized toblerone and I feel a bit sick.

Just getting some practice in.


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